Tuesday 6 December 2016


         After graduating, its finally time to decide who you want to be, or to pursue your passion. Some of you may have had to give up your lifelong dream career, whilst others may find out their dream career isn't all its made out to be. Either way, so many of us have no idea what we want to do, or what course to study. Some of you are stuck in a dead end job, with low income, or income that has been cut in todays economy, or have families and wives that are clammering for you to BE MORE SUCCESSFUL BE MORE RICH CAN YOU EARN MORE MONEY PLZ ok cut the please.


I understand that you may think its filial/ that you owe your parents, but the fact is, you dont. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being grateful that your parents are paying for your studies, but is regretting and torturing yourself for the rest of your life doing something you dont like worth it? Or are you condemning both you and your parents to a lifetime of complaints, resentment and regret?

I also understand that you might be motivated to study a course that is 'popular', namely, a course that has a high employment rate, especially for post-grads, or has a high starting salary as money is why we have to work,duh. But you also work for the experience, and to pursue your passions. Would you continue to work for a company who has bitchy, back stabbing colleagues who do not help you improve yourself but instead makes you pissed and depressed everyday? hell no! life is too fucking short for that okay. You dont have to be on super good terms with everyone, and bosses are..... *cough, but most of the time you can tell its for your own good, for your own performance, and this is the real world now. no more red X'es, everybody. Suck it up and move on. There's a thin line there, if you can notice it, a thin line that goes hand-in hand with your instincts. What do you think you should do? Are there opportunities elsewhere or are you gonna end up unemployed, embarrassed to meet your family and friends, ESPECIALLY IN TODAYS ECONOMY? I'm not gonna tell you that theres a 100% guarantee solution, do this and you'll be successful, but do follow your instincts.

And I think that most of you are pretty smart, and that even if you dont realize it, you'll unconsciously start making moves if you ARE ready to take a new step in your life. Looking for other job offers, checking out other companies, meeting your friends and asking for vacancies... its perfectly alright to put one foot in another boat, however be smart abt it and please DONT go on instagram and be like MEETING WITH NEW BOSS TODAY LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING HERE- hello genius. Both boats gonna move away from each other and you're gonna end up in the sea. Nowadays social media IS monitored by your bosses, and you can legit get fired cos of that.


Getting your tuition fees paid for plus allowance is a big deal today. If you quit and dont have the money to pay them back, make sure you wont get sued! A different move many people use is just.. dont study, so you dont maintain your GPA, and the scholarship will automatically be voided and you can do whatever shit you want. HOWEVER, please check that your GOING TO BE university WILL accept you despite your sabotaged GPA and that you have enough funds for the new course as high probability is they wont fund you again.

If you got gov scholarship, JPA being an example, they will choose your course for you. Of course they will ask you choose yourself BUT there is a chance you might not get in. If you do..why are you still here again? Stop wasting your time and go study la. If you dont get in the course you had set your heart on, seriously consider going to the course they had chosen for you. Like I said before, getting your full tuition fees paid is no small matter, so think properly. If it was one of your choices, or you are interested and can seriously see yourself doing so-and-so, then, by all means, go for it. Clear any doubts before you dive in, though.

If you're bonded to a company and cant get out, and you have this awesome opportunity, and have exhausted all other means (agreeing to work for them AFTER you're done with the bonding, getting yourself into another contract-not a very smart move btw), and you have seriously SERIOUSLY thought about everything, the fees you will have to pay them back, your recommendation and all that, then sure. But if you cant make it, or you are unable to pay them back, hold it off. The right opportunity will come at the right time, and you'll know it. If you wanna get out of your bond cos you dont like it, SUCK IT UP. Its just not worth the money kay, unless you won the lottery overnight. Keep praying!

-continued in part 2(coming out soon)
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

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